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te most basic connection with these pieces - Printable Version

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te most basic connection with these pieces - GlennUndergrond - 07-28-2022

i just want to know how to use the MRCC with an Akai MPC X and Ableton, also Logic Pro, can someone brief me please?

RE: te most basic connection with these pieces - Jesse Johannesen - 08-01-2022

I only have Ableton from this list and I use a PC, but what do you want to know? I imagine it's a pretty similar process. You pick input ports and output ports in the Preferences menu, often you'll need to check a "sync" box if you want to send or receive clock from a port, then on the MRCC, route the Virtual ports you selected for each DAW (I would use different ports for each DAW, like IN 1 and OUT 1 for ableton, IN 2 OUT 2 for MPC-X etc.) to whatever gear you want to use.

There's a lot of ways to set up the MIDI channels, but if you have less than 8-10 MIDI targets it may make sense to just set the MIDI channel of each device to the number of the DIN port it's connected to, (like a synth/drum machine on Port 4 out would be listening on MIDI Ch 4 as well), then in the DAW you just need to output on the set port on the channel of the target and make sure it gets routed to the output.

This should be enough to get you started, but let me know if you need more assistance. I'm in the middle of moving to a new house, so it will probably be most effective to email as I check that all the time. I'll check the forum again in a couple of days though.
