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Adjust MIDI Clock timing relative to a specific channel or to internal clock - Printable Version

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Adjust MIDI Clock timing relative to a specific channel or to internal clock - firestonem1 - 05-19-2024

Would it be possible to adjust midi-clock timing by a certain .1 milliseconds increments by each outgoing channel, either relative to a selected incoming midi-clock or relative to the internal clock to help account for other hardware having some delay in responding to the clock signal?

RE: Adjust MIDI Clock timing relative to a specific channel or to internal clock - Jesse Johannesen - 05-26-2024

We don't currently have anything like that implemented in any of our devices. I think all of our MIDI clocks change in units of 2 BPM per click. Oh you're asking about changing the timing relative to another port, not the BPM as a whole...We don't have anything for that either at the moment. I'll take a look around and see if there is anything out there to do this and report back if I find anything useful. Does anyone else around here know of anything along those lines?