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good results thus far with 2 instruments (usb)
the new squarp hapax sequencer has been working flawlessly. (i have not tried syncing to external clock yet, but i doubt that this will be a problem, though it is with the torso t-1.).

and I also have been trying out a Linstrument (full size). I was pleased to have it working perfectly thus far using the usb cable and not an optional psu.

i'll report back if there is any change to this.

EDIT: if you try a linnstrument, you might have full success with it w/o an attached psu, but what i eventually found was that with all of my usb devices powered up, the mrcc, devices weren't working correctly, and indeed the mrcc wouldn't power up completely. I reattached the psu and everything is fine again. Apparently there is a max total power draw with usb, which could potentially make troubleshooting difficult - so i would strongly recommend either using din midi with this, or connecting the psu (which is optional, but has very flexible specs)
Cheers Nelson, thank you for the follow up on this, I'm glad to hear it's working out.
It would be super helpful if on one of the status screens near the end of the menus if the MRCC could show the current consumption use by the USB ports.

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