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Slides and Accents
Greetings everyone. While it is a very cool option and interesting to use both motifs on the same synth to get slide effects, I would also like to have the possibility to have „SLIDE“ notes in addition to „TIE“ and „REST“. I think that all that needs to be implemented for this: if „SLIDE“ is selected for a rhythm step, the note needs to play slightly longer than it would normally. Done. Instant slide (or legato) effect for many synths!
Please think about implementing this! I am begging you!
Ah, it’s not that simple. Implementing it as described above would make it impossible to set the velocity for that note… oh well.
Maybe Shift+Encoder 8 (value edit) could be used to toggle legato for that step?
Or another option to implement this (idea by @Royce): a velocity of 1 will make the note play as legato (previous note off comes after the note on) and the same velocity of the previous note. Smile

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