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Allow the NDLR to map a MIDI-A to everything to A-OUT and B-OUT
apparently the design doesn't seem to think this would ever be wanted. 

In my setup I have ONE keyboard controller and go to what I want using channels. The NDLR is connected A to one synth, and B to the other. But how do i then get the keyboard which goes A-IN midi to work with the B synth? can't do it it seems. So I am moving this from SUPPORT to FET REQ.

So either I have to mult it using physical cables to double the input into A and B which probably has other bad effects... and I think it's double confusing since in the system setups there is a OUT:Midi A and B

so its confusing. Would be simpler if there was a menu choice to do this. 

[Image: attachment.php?aid=208]

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