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Settings to revert to previous state when Mod Matrix is changed
It would be cool to have a setting to control if the values that were changed by a Mod Matrix setting could revert back to its previous state, or possibly to their individual save state, after I change the Mod Matrix setting.

My use case is that I set up everything else first, until I go to the Mod Matrix. Once I'm done trying out several settings to see if they work for the current noodle, so many settings have been touched I don't remember anymore where they were.

The workaround could be to save globally before modding, and going back to that save state. Usually that's too radical though. I just want to avoid the repeat work, and with the current situation versus the workaround, either way I have to re-do settings.

Not sure how useful this would be, or if I'm doing it awkwardly ...

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