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I can't find an answer to this, maybe because it's so basic or obvious. I've watched the videos and read the manual but admittedly sometimes my comprehension isn't the greatest. 
With a lot of controllers, like the SQ-64, f you turn it off and back on, your last config is saved. 
With the MRCC when I turn it back on I'm back to the factory preset of nothing mapped and no configuration. Obviously this is annoyjng if I have to set it all back up again. 
Do I have to go to save and save a user preset before turning it off to save my configuration?
That's fine if I do, I just haven't seen anything that says you have to, and if you do I'd assume it would have been covered in the first video. 
Maybe I missed it? Maybe my unit came bunk?
I think I found the answer in the last sentence of the "Load/Save Sub-Page" section of the manual. I think I just assumed this would be covered as part of the videos or mentioned in the Quick Start or The Basics section toward the beginning of the manual.
"Note the last Preset saved will be loaded the next time the MRCC is turned on. Any changes NOT saved will be lost."
A lot of gear keeps your latest settings when turned on, so I thought it would be like that.
Good thing is there is nothing wrong with me MRCC!

"Load/Save Sub-Page
This is the tool to Save and Load the presets for the MRCC. The presets save all the parameters of the Routings, Modifiers, Extras and Labels assignments. There are 127 presets. Preset 0 (“FACTORY”) is the factory parameters and can’t be saved. The next three presets are labeled “User 1-3”. You can store anything you like in these three slots but is a good place to save your favorite preset “starting points”. The next 124 preset slots are setup in “banks” of 20 (“A1-20” – “E1-20”), just to make it easier to remember. If the preset is empty the preset number will be red, if previously saved it will be green. The Presets are saved on the included SD Card (found behind the left side cover). If the SD Card is removed and not replaced no Presets can be saved. Note the last Preset saved will be loaded the next time the MRCC is turned on. Any changes NOT saved will be lost"
Yes, I think it would work best of there was an auto-saved buffer memory version of the currently active preset (saved after every user ui interaction) that would be auto-restored after power off but not overwrite the actual user preset. 

That way, we wouldn't have to constantly worry before switching it off if there were some edits that has to be saved.

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