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using angled MIDI cables with MRCC
After some searching, I finally found good low-profile angled MIDI cables that are oriented in the correct direction for use with MRCC. Pictures below, for anyone who might find this useful. Manikin brand, in three different lengths: 0.5, 1, and 2 meters. I purchased through Thomann. Might even be a good candidate for a bundled accessory?

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=1004827&stc=...1645143995]  [Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=1004826&stc=...1645143995]   [Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=1004828&stc=...1645143997]

Perfect, ordered a bunch from Thomann
(02-17-2022, 05:31 PM)lemel Wrote: [Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=1004827&stc=...1645143995]  [Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=1004826&stc=...1645143995]   

I use those too: especially helpful when placing the MRCC in a 19" rack, because straight MIDI plugs will block the view on the routing buttons and LEDs.

Only downside: max. 2 meters, but if you need longer cables you can use MIDI couplers to attach a longer MIDI cable. (Prices differ a lot: search to find cheap ones).

Could you please share a link to the angled MIDI TRS plug on the right side of your picture?
I think that's a Amazon TRS adapter
My requirements were:
  • Low enough profile to slide under my desk on a sliding tray (all others were much too tall)
  • Pins facing in the correct direction (a lot of options were flipped 180)
  • Somewhat long (I know 2m isn't much, but a lot of angled cables are for pedal boards, so usually just a few inches to 12 inches long...and have the pins oriented sideways)
  • Affordable (the only other option that met all my requirements were custom-made, so that was my option of last resort)
  • BONUS: Cable girth doesn't block the second row from use. I feel lucky that these can be used in every port without blocking. I wasn't really expecting to find any that allowed this.

A number of cables' product photos don't even show the orientation of the pins at all, making them a "buy & see" which I can't afford right now.

The TRS angle adapter is just generic garden variety 1/8 TRS, as would be used for stereo audio. I got a bag of them on ebay. Just don't mistakenly buy TRRS (with the mic return, like for old wired earpods).

I haven't been as lucky with USB angled adapters - the ones I've found are just too tall all around, and absolutely block the second matching port from being used 'angled'.
Dang you are definitely MVP of the day around here, these are awesome finds. I showed the team and they were pretty pumped too. Thanks again for sharing
Here is mine ?

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