(12-13-2019, 05:21 AM)triscus Wrote: Hi all,
I'm jamming ndling around within the scale of Eb minor and noticed that the VI chord is displayed as C, but it should be B. (C is the VI. interval for Eb Major) It's sending out the correct notes for a triad chord, though.
But when changing the chord mode to sus4 the notes B F and F# are sent, but it should be B E and F#.
I haven't checked it in every key and mode but the wrong notes for the sus4 chord are sent in other scales and modes as well and it's somehow connected to the Intervals and not to the chords itself.
For example: F#sus4 VII in G Major scale is sending a wrong note (C instead of C#), but F#sus4 I in F# is sending the correct notes.
I used http://www.looknohands.com/chordhouse/piano/ for looking up the chords and using Firmware v1.0.6.3
Cheers Triscus
In the "Always trying to make things better" category...
Triscus mentioned that the sus2 and sus4 chords, when played on certain chord degrees, sound wrong (or even are wrong) from an interval point of view. Given I wrote this code ~2 years ago I decided to take a look.
Here are the defined chromatic note values for a sus2 = 0-2-7 and for sus4 = 0-5-7. The triads = 0-4-7 middle note (4) is shifted to the 2 or 5, which make the chord suspended and offers tension. However if you hold these intervals constant and play these chords starting from each chord degree I, II, III... IIV, then the notes will not be in key. III & VII for sus2 and IV & VII for sus4.
This is how it has always worked in the NDLR...
I made the choice to keep all the chord notes in KEY, which occasionally forces there to be a minor 2nd interval in the sus chords. That sounds a little dissonant and really doesn't serve the purpose of the sus's tension.
I decided to make an experimental NDLR FW build .063exp where I don't correct for the out of KEY notes in the sus chords in degree III, IV & VII.
If there are any wicked smart music theory folks out there, which I know there are, LMK what is "more" correct.
For everyone LMK what you think sounds better when noodling!
experiment original
Chord sus sus sus sus
Degree 2 4 2 4
I 027 057 027 057
II 027 057 027 057
III 027 057 017* 057
IV 027 057 027 067*
V 027 057 027 057
VI 027 057 027 057
VII 027 057 016* 056*
* = changed