Thanks guys for looking more closely at this.
I think the best way is to look at the note events through the logic analyzer. When I get some time I’ll have a look.
BTW each MIDI 3 byte message, including NoteOn and NoteOff = ~1ms (960us = 30 bytes @ 32us/bit).
On a down beat the NDLR can be generating 14 messages (or more): 1 each motif, 1 Drone, 4 pad (x2 on/off), that’s 13.44 ms.
Not to mention the USB latency.
The NDLR message dispatch is pretty simple, at the same time serial MIDI is dog slow compared to typical modern interfaces and this kind of an issue has plagued MIDI controllers since the beginning.
Again thanks for digging into the next level.
I think the best way is to look at the note events through the logic analyzer. When I get some time I’ll have a look.
BTW each MIDI 3 byte message, including NoteOn and NoteOff = ~1ms (960us = 30 bytes @ 32us/bit).
On a down beat the NDLR can be generating 14 messages (or more): 1 each motif, 1 Drone, 4 pad (x2 on/off), that’s 13.44 ms.
Not to mention the USB latency.
The NDLR message dispatch is pretty simple, at the same time serial MIDI is dog slow compared to typical modern interfaces and this kind of an issue has plagued MIDI controllers since the beginning.
Again thanks for digging into the next level.