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USB Midi Clock runs at 2x or 4x with Deluge
Yes, that would be the symptom of receiving clock on multiple ports. Agree, it would be good to limit which USB port the clock is going out on. I think we already have that on the (very long) to-do list.

We made it go out on all ports because the intention for multiple virtual USB MIDI was to drive multiple stand-alone instruments, each on a different port. This works pretty well in most cases. Totally understand why that would be a problem with a non-PC USB host.

I'm quite impressed that the Deluge sees the 4 ports from The NDLR. They must have a robust USB MIDI implementation. Maybe Daluge can add a parameter to select which MIDI port should receive clock?

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RE: USB Midi Clock runs at 2x or 4x with Deluge - by Darryl - 01-06-2020, 12:09 PM

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