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Newest member of the Conductive Labs team
Hey everyone, 
my name is Jesse and I'm happy to be able to introduce myself as the newest member of the Conductive Labs team. I live here in Portland OR, where I organize entry level synthesizer DIY build workshops, as well as hosting a monthly synth jam through the Portland Synth Improvisor's Collective (PSIC). I am currently studying for an Electronics Engineering Technician AAS degree from Portland Community College where I am about a semester and a half away from graduating. 

I have been watching this project from early on and was lucky enough to be involved in the beta testing of the NDLR and see it grow into one of the coolest devices in my studio. It's my goal to bring everything I can to the table and make a good thing better. You'll likely be seeing me mostly in the support forum where I'll be doing my best to get up to speed and help free up Darryl's cognitive load.  It may take me a minute to learn the lay of the land and I humbly appreciate your patience while I get the hang of things.

Thanks very much for having me, I look forward to NDLing with you!

Jesse Johannesen

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Newest member of the Conductive Labs team - by Jesse Johannesen - 01-28-2020, 11:24 AM

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