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Need help with simple sequencer setup (model:cycles)
Even though I just figured out how to use the chord sequencer (fun!), I'm still interested in the idea of triggering the NDLR with a track from my Model:Cycles so I can compose a song there, with included chord changes, and just mute and unmute tracks on the NDLR as I see fit. 

Trying to wrap my head around keyboard (or sequencer) control on the NDLR. So far, the NDLR is not recognizing the notes from the M:C...

Here is my setup:

MIDI Din A out: out to a bunch of synths (INCLUDING the M:C)
MIDI Din B out: out to an Argon8 
MIDI Din A in: Keystep in to all synths for live playing
MIDI Din B in: Model:Cycles in to send on/off to trigger all active tracks on MIDI channel 5 (sending one note to the NDLR, like C or D, on the steps where I want it to change in the pattern)

NDLR control set to 5 All, to match incoming midi channel from M:C on midi channel 5
Keyboard control set to MODE 1

Clock going out of NDLR to M:C and (supposedly back into the NDLR at the same tempo, yes?) 
Maybe I have to have M:C as master clock for this scenario to work?

The note from the M:C does not start/stop the ndlr, nor does it change the chord being played by the NDLR or any corresponding motifs/drones. 

What am I doing wrong? I know others have successfully set this up with a sequencer, but I can't figure it out. 


Messages In This Thread
Need help with simple sequencer setup (model:cycles) - by Seteef - 02-01-2021, 12:09 PM

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