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Need help with simple sequencer setup (model:cycles)
Cool! Glad I could help out a bit.

I tried some stuff out here. I don't have a Model:Cycles, so I just used an ordinary sequencer instead, therefore what I say may not apply to your use case.

With the clock coming from the NDLR and going to the sequencer, this implies the NDLR is set to Internal clock, and the sequencer must be set to Slave mode. As such, in my setup, the Start command MUST come from the NDLR. Pushing the Start button on the sequencer does nothing, as it's in Slave mode and must listen to instructions coming over MIDI to it. So if you're good with that constraint, then no problem! I didn't take it farther by having the sequencer Pause/Continue parts as you appear to be doing.

Also, you mentioned, "Clock going out of NDLR to M:C and (supposedly back into the NDLR at the same tempo, yes?)" If the clock goes back to the NDLR, it is of no consequence. The NDLR is in Internal clock mode, therefore it ignores whatever clocks are sent to it via MIDI. But, yes, it should be coming back to the NDLR at the same tempo, nonetheless.

At any rate, it's really great what you want to do is now working. Give a shout out if you get stuck again, someone will help.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Need help with simple sequencer setup (model:cycles) - by House de Kris - 02-02-2021, 08:27 PM

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