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using vst sequencer to control ndlr in fl studio
thnx for the reply.

i still havent figured out how to do what im trying to do....though i have made a bit of headway...maybe?

i was able to get the vst to pass on midi information to the ndlr, unfortunately...i havent been able to figure out how to isolate that information. fl studio has this odd "feature" where selecting an instrument steals focus away from other things that are playing. i have turned that off (out of necessity), but what turning it off does is make it so if i have the sequencer selected it doesnt pass midi at all...but if i have nothing will pass midi to all ports and all channels.

so...not working yet...but at least i have confirmed that it is possible to send the midi info at all.

baby steps.

and im very much looking forward to trying out the modmatrix possibilities...but imma hold off on that until im more comfortable with the basics. =)

for now...ill just use the deluge to randomize until i can figure it out.

while were on the subject....does anyone know the behavior of the ndlr when it receives multiple note msgs simultaneously? id rather not have to set each probability individually if i dont have to. if i simply keep everything at 100% how does the ndlr decide which one it will use? as of right now...if i do will randomize notes for a short time...and then it just plays the same note over and over, and as of right now, im not sure if the deluge is making that happen or the ndlr.

Messages In This Thread
RE: using vst sequencer to control ndlr in fl studio - by chaoswyrm - 02-17-2021, 09:37 AM

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