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Explain rotation algorithm (pls?)
Ok, before I go any further  I gotta say thanks for the explanation.  I appreciate it.

I have a had a go at the Rhythm and Pattern Editor screens and I do like what they allow me to do.  What I am foggy on is how the "ENC 2 Beta Rotation Algorithm"  you access via ["shift+menu" + encoder 2] shown in the attached picture (albeit not the best pic) relates to the pattern/rhythm playing.

My questions are:
1. Pressing shift in addition to any of the Encoders on the left (1-4) turns the Rotation Algorithm on and off.  Should I only use Encoder #2 
2. " Use 'Trans MIDI Ch' " means what?
3. How do I interpret the " Params set in Patt40 " section.

I did notice that changing the values in Pattern40 did have an affect on the yellow type at the bottom of the screen.  The rest I don't get because I do not hear a difference regardless of whether the Algorithm is On or Off.

Signed...Still Lost

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Messages In This Thread
Explain rotation algorithm (pls?) - by Hoogerj - 03-17-2021, 01:57 PM
RE: Explain rotation algorithm (pls?) - by uncleage - 03-19-2021, 06:55 PM

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