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MRCC won't boot, please help!!
I do software development for a living and we often joke that it would be a lot easier to make stuff if we didn't have to worry about the customers.   Big Grin

The goal of forums like this and the discussions on them is to take an incredibly useful product (like the MRCC) and hopefully make it even better with some real-world feedback.
Sometimes you get really good suggestions that are easy to incorporate, sometimes you get dinged for areas you know are lacking and it's up to the development team to prioritize and address them.

For me, the MRCC has been a gamechanger in that I now can connect a lot of gear that previously sat unconnected or required cable swaps or additional adapters and such.
The filtering and rechanneling means that I have less on-the-fly configuration issues because the routings automatically take care of a lot of the hassles.  The addition of a clock and multiple arpeggiators is a great bonus.

The downside is that all of these things take some initial time to set up correctly.  My feeling is that folks looking to buy an MRCC have a need to explore/use these extended capabilities and are doing a lot more than simply setting up a set of 'route port X to port Y' connections.  Therefore, having to re-do a complex setup after an upgrade can really be a time sink, especially if you didn't write down all the tweaks you did to note ranges, channel numbers, order of MODs/Filters, etc. for every port/route in the MRCC.

Having the ability to dump and reload (via sysex) or even to have it dump in some human readable format (CSV, text, or (even though I despise it) JSON) would save users a lot of time and make updating much less painful.  If you were clever about the dump/load you could embed the current OS version in the dump and then the reload could check that, parse out what it needs, fill in the new bits with defaults and a user could be up and running quickly.

Messages In This Thread
MRCC won't boot, please help!! - by Joris Röling - 07-11-2021, 11:45 AM
RE: MRCC won't boot, please help!! - by Joris Röling - 07-12-2021, 07:48 AM
RE: MRCC won't boot, please help!! - by Joris Röling - 07-13-2021, 05:37 AM
RE: MRCC won't boot, please help!! - by ghavinga - 07-25-2021, 05:06 AM
RE: MRCC won't boot, please help!! - by Joris Röling - 07-14-2021, 01:15 AM
RE: MRCC won't boot, please help!! - by oldgearguy - 07-14-2021, 02:40 AM
RE: MRCC won't boot, please help!! - by User - 07-26-2021, 03:36 PM
RE: MRCC won't boot, please help!! - by User - 07-27-2021, 09:17 AM
RE: MRCC won't boot, please help!! - by a440 - 07-29-2021, 01:47 PM
RE: MRCC won't boot, please help!! - by User - 08-02-2021, 09:53 AM
RE: MRCC won't boot, please help!! - by User - 08-03-2021, 06:02 AM
RE: MRCC won't boot, please help!! - by a440 - 08-05-2021, 06:12 AM

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