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Suggestions for cases for NDLR or MRCC?
For those that were waiting for news on MRCC - MIDI Router Control Center schedule, we have line of sight

Its taken a lot longer to complete this beast than planned, but its going to be worth the wait. It's really sweet, but that's what you get when you make something to meet the needs of your own studios, no expense spared. Covid was a factor in the delay, but mostly it was just a difficult task to design the user interface for all of the functionality on the device without needing a PC to configure it. It was also a pretty big PCB layout challenge, but we nailed it.

We are pushing hard to get Kickstarter orders shipped before Chinese New Years vacation starts, which is February 5th 2021. Worst case, we'll ship them after Chinese New Year, first half of March.

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RE: Suggestions for cases for NDLR or MRCC? - by namarang - 08-04-2021, 12:06 PM

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