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PC getting filtered even when no filters are on
In my case, I'm sending a bank change and then a program change and then sending a sysex dump request.  One of those first two messages seems to be getting lost.  I haven't had time to sit down and set up a debugging session to look at the data flow.  Might have time this weekend.

If so, I'll post back here what I see.

EDIT - what I saw was that at some point in time, the MRCC set the Settings/MRCC MIDI Control/Port to port 5.  This is the port I was using for the transmitting device to send program changes.

What's weird is that I was sending them on channel 1 and the config still said channel 16, so even though the ports were the same, it still should have been passed through.

Note that it did change the MRCC preset to D8, so I had to recall U1, set the port to " - " and save that and now it seems to be OK.

So - I do think there's something slightly buggy about that area of the code.  You should ignore PC and other commands if the channels don't match and somehow the settings got updated without me ever selecting to change the incoming PC port of the MRCC.

Messages In This Thread
RE: PC getting filtered even when no filters are on - by oldgearguy - 04-02-2022, 03:35 AM

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