06-16-2022, 09:11 PM
I'll take a stab at question 9, although I'm using a PC, not a Mac, but I'm sure the concept is the same. The 12 sending ports and 12 receiving ports (24 total) effectively act as an additional 12 sources and 12 destinations for the MRCC, to be used by a software program like a DAW or an editor to route externally. They require the DAW to be running in order to have an active connection to something (perhaps Macs can do this on a system level? I don't know) and are accessed on the MRCC by using existing buttons for this second purpose by first holding the PC port in or out. Effectively they are 2 sets of 12 pipes, coming and going, that need to be routed on both ends, for software to hardware connections. You could, actually, use them to route software to software or hardware to hardware in special cases, although that's probably just an inefficient extra middle layer. I'm not up to speed on the particulars of what exactly you meant in your example, but hopefully this will help a little.
On question 6, there is one current (NDLR) and one pending (expander) device from Conductive Labs that both can send 4 streams over USB and can take advantage of the multiple input feature. I don't recall if there are other things on the market with this capability that would also be MRCC compatible, but certainly not many.
On question 6, there is one current (NDLR) and one pending (expander) device from Conductive Labs that both can send 4 streams over USB and can take advantage of the multiple input feature. I don't recall if there are other things on the market with this capability that would also be MRCC compatible, but certainly not many.