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Play chords when everything stopped
While it appears that the chord buttons are there to play chords, under the hood, those buttons are really there for choosing the chord/mode of the note pool for all of the parts. It’s the Pad part that plays poly notes from the pool. So architecturally it’s tricky to get something to play when the part isn’t on.

While it might be possible to play chords from those buttons (based on the Pad settings) while the parts are off, it would cause a different problem; when selecting the chord before starting a performance a chord would play, but maybe we could make a setting for that.

An alternative is to use The NDLRs transposing feature to play chords from a controller. The KeyStep has a chord mode for example.

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RE: Play chords when everything stopped - by Darryl - 05-12-2019, 12:09 PM

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