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I need a more detailed explanation of using the MRCC with a DAW (Logic)?
Yes - the biggest stumbling block for folks with the MRCC and a computer and the PC port is the whole ports, virtual cables, and channels.
You have to route a source (input) to a destination (output). 
In addition, you often have to specify which MIDI channel the sender and receiver are using to talk to each other.
All connections (DIN, TRS, USB, PC, virtual cables) support 16 MIDI channels.

When you are talking DIN/TRS only there's only 1 connection for input and 1 connection for output, so those ports do not have virtual cables.  You can just make a direct input to output assignment.

When the USB port is used, it has 4 virtual cable inputs.  That's why when you press USB A/B/C/D input button, the first 4 output LEDs light up.
You have to first select which of the 4 virtual cables to use.  After that, you let go of the USB input button and it stays lit.  then select an output port as before to make the route.

When the PC is involved, there's 12 virtual input cables and 12 virtual output cables.  So if you are routing a DIN input (like the Kronos) to the PC, it takes a few steps.
Select the DIN for input, then press the PC out button and select the virtual cable you want to use for the connection.
BUT - you're not done since the vast majority of the DAWs out there recognize these virtual cables, inside your DAW you have to select which one to listen to.
Since the MRCC uses the same buttons for all routing, you have to pay attention to the color and the step you are on.
For routing the PC out to a synth connected on the DIN port, you need to first hold the PC input button and select the virtual cable to use.  Select the same one you are using in the DAW as an output destination.  Now let go of the PC button at it should stay lit.  Now you can select the output port that is connected to your synth.

One suggestion for Mac users -- bring up MIDI Monitor.  Drop down the input/ports menu and you can see it's listening on all virtual cables.  Play a synth and see which virtual cable is comes in on.  Try turning some off to see what happens when you route a synth to those virtual cables

Remember to also check the MIDI channel of the sending and receiving devices.  virtual ports *are not* MIDI channels.

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RE: I need a more detailed explanation of using the MRCC with a DAW (Logic)? - by oldgearguy - 11-09-2022, 02:25 PM

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