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NDLR clock unstable to incoming clock
I would love to know the outcome here...

I am also having problems with my NDLR maintaining BPM with flutuations around the input clock speed,

I have tested DIN in, modular clock in, and now tested MRCC in via USB, all with the same results, The NDLR dose not maintain a steady BPM.

Every other bit of equipment has tight timing without The NDLR incorporated, when it is plugged in the NDLR's Bpm  just drifts up and down, when used on its own as the master clock it is fine.

Just a brief description of my midi path,

Keystep to MRCC in, via USB
NDLR to MRCC in, via USB (clock is filtered on The NDLR out)
MRCC out to OCTOTRACK in, via DIN (sending The NDLR and Keystep notes only)
MRCC then splits to all equipment with separate outs DIN only.

this setup runs a tight clock when The NDLR is not plugged in,

I have also run my setup without the MRCC using a MOTU merge/splitter and MIDI solutions splitter doing the same as the MRCC, and I had the same problems with The NDLR not maintain a steady BPM.


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RE: NDLR clock unstable to incoming clock - by HammerTime - 11-19-2022, 05:01 AM

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