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Hello dear friends of the NDLR,

I would like to send the CV clock from my NDLR-1 via 1/8” / 3.5mm mono jacks CV OUT to the NDLR-2 CV IN.

The NDLR_1 gets the CV Clock via E-RM Multiklock and it works fine. However, I cannot transfer the CV clock from NDLR_1 to NDLR_2.

My configuration:
- NDLR_1: Boot Menu: ClkOut = ON
- NDLR_1; Encoder 3: ClockIn = ClkInCV (from Multiclock), works fine

- NDLR_2: Boot Menu: ClkOut = ON (get to Waldorf Iridium)
- NDLR_2; Encoder 3: ClockIn = ClkInCV (from NDLR_1),
Doesn't work, the NDLR_2 doesn't receive the clock from NDLR_1.

Does anyone have an idea to solve the problem? Is it possibly the connection cable used (mono) between NDLR_1 and NDLR_2?

Thank you very much for your help
Helmut from Dresden, Germany

Messages In This Thread
Issue: NDLR_1 CV-CLK-OUT to NDLR_2 CV-CKL-IN - by helmutpeilert - 02-20-2023, 11:30 AM

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