(03-28-2023, 07:18 AM)Jesse Johannesen Wrote: So if I understand correctly, you wish to send MIDI to the SSP via USB into the SSP's host port and to and from the Laptop via the MRCC PC port?
The MRCC doesn't support any ethernet MIDI so that's going to be a dead end for us.
Jesse, thank you for the clear answers. You summarized it well and understood everything; although I don't really care how the SSP and the laptop would connect over USB; although keeping the SSP's device port free would allow for greater power (see below).
I truly didn't wish to buy/install yet another ancillary device; in this case, an additional USB to DIN device.
Would it make sense to buy a 2nd MRCC and connect it to the one that I currently own? As per this thread, would I be able to configure the 2nd MRCC for the primarily live use that I intend, and then also connect it to the MRCC that shall remain in the studio?
For live gigs, I could then just disconnect the newer, 2nd, MRCC from the studio rig and head out. I was planning on buying a 2nd one for live use so that I don't have to keep disconnecting all of the MIDI stuff in my studio in order to take my single MRCC with me. I could just connect my live gear to one MRCC and call the one my 'live rig' and then connect that to the studio rig via CAT6a.
It seems that this would work perfectly well. I could also connect the SSP to the laptop, via the SSP's device port, for the audio I/O on the SSP.
Seems like 2xMRCCs solves this, no?
Jesse, if you could confirm, then I'll place my order tout de suite.