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NDLR clock unstable to incoming clock
Hey Clint, we never got a chance to delve into it with the specific issue at hand, but what I can speculate about the scenario is that if NDLR is receiving MIDI clock from an external source as the master, then it literally waits for each tick to do anything at all, and runs as stable as the clock in every way I can think of, if the clock coming in is wonky, it will fluctuate, but we're talking about 96 tics per 1/4 note, so it would have to be quite a bit off for there to be a noticeable variation in the tempo. It's more than likely doing what it's supposed to, but there may be some obscure setting with the rhythm being at play here, or the other possible case is that the BPM measurement may be saying a tempo that is fluctuating over time as some artifact of the way it's measured, without there actually being a tempo variation. The entire program of the device operates around the MIDI timing as a priority, so I can't think of a way for it to go "off" time.

In your case are you asking because you are experiencing an issue, or are trying to end-run any potential issues before going live with the above setup? By the way that setup looks totally awesome, I haven't heard of the wind instrument you have there, but it seems pretty inspiring. On a side note, how did you make that connection diagram, I have been looking for a way to do something like that and these look great!

Messages In This Thread
RE: NDLR clock unstable to incoming clock - by Jesse Johannesen - 05-25-2023, 09:24 PM

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