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Moar Midi FX and tools
wouldn't it be great if there was a force-to-scale filter in the MRCC that could be slaved to the NDLR?

I too am a fan of the blokas midihub (two here) & in particular the force-to-scale which I use on a doepfer maq. the NDLR can straighten out one of the maq's channels, but not all three, so I use the blokas, & am currently working on controlling it from the NDLR (I can set the blokas to follow what the drone does, for instance), or controlling them both from another sequencer.
but this limits my options in terms of chord shape & degree, as we're looking at multiple control messages to the blokas to put it into the right mappings.
something to think about for the future. if the NDLR could process more 'through' channels, that'd be the end of it, of course, but I guess there's a processor limit or something.

Messages In This Thread
Moar Midi FX and tools - by stephencarr - 06-23-2021, 07:23 AM
RE: Moar Midi FX and tools - by Jesse Johannesen - 06-24-2021, 06:37 AM
RE: Moar Midi FX and tools - by duncanrmi - 10-02-2023, 03:20 PM

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