12-02-2023, 03:59 PM
I recently purchased an MRCC and discovered that the firmware updates indicate the device is powered by a PJRC Teensy microcontroller. As a long time programmer and someone who often works with the Teensy platform for MIDI/audio processing, I definitely want to second @benstat in requesting the MRCC source code be either open sourced or closed source with special third party developer agreements (including NDAs) to allow additional programmers to enhance features and troubleshoot firmware issues. I realize that the source code is your "secret sauce" and must be kept sacred, but given that it is built on a common microcontroller, the MRCC community could really help out the project/product. That's a big ask I know, but it's the current year and it seems kind of silly to see a microcontroller project based on the Teensy to be closed when most of the Teensy's ecosystem is open source. Any comments on opening up the source code or starting a special developer program to gain controlled access to the MRCC firmware?