12-27-2018, 03:32 PM
(12-04-2018, 11:21 AM)leave trace Wrote: It would be super slick to have an ipad/iphone app for easier editing of patterns and rhythms and other settings. Drawing in patterns, pinching and dragging motif ranges, editing both motifs or other parts on the same screen... seems like it could open up a bunch of new ways to interact with the machine.
We have a basic infrastructure for PC to NDLR I/O in place, but no current plan to use it. The biggest issue is The NDLR MCU just doesn't have much eeprom space for saving configuration data. We had planned to use free flash space but couldn't find a safe way to do it with the development environment we use. However, if in the future we implement a save/load capability for patches and patterns, maybe we could publish the interface spec for someone interested in utilizing it.