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double the humanization with note length variation
This only applies to MOTIF tracks. 

Yes we can create new rhythmic patterns where we use the TIEs to make the NOTE-ON/OFF interval longer. I’m already running out of slots doing that.Smile

What would really help is to double the humanize range from 1-10 to 1-20 with the second half randomizing Note duration too. 
so values 1-10 would still do Velocity/Timing (Not sure if timing is there already) 
and values 11-20 would add note duration randomization with focus to shorten notes rather than make them longer.  

....Another option would be to add a new destination called "Note length” to MOTIF sections ...But that would take 2 of precious slots

Having a "gate" time knob would be really great. However, NDLR just isn't architected to make that very easy to add at this point. An alternative, is use the mod matrix to output CCs to control the gate on your synth. For instance, by adjusting the ADSR for a shorter or longer decay. You might have to tweak the decay and sustain to get the gate variance you desire.

While you are looking up the CCs for Decay, also get the CCs for other interesting targets, like LFO speed and Filter cutoff and modulate those too! Modulating ADSR for filter cutoff is also cool. Big Grin That will help spice things up.

Edited: I said Release before, but Release doesn't happen until there's a note off. You want it to release sooner so you have to edit sustain and decay.
(02-01-2019, 09:34 AM)funktree Wrote: This only applies to MOTIF tracks. 

Yes we can create new rhythmic patterns where we use the TIEs to make the NOTE-ON/OFF interval longer.

Did you mean REST not TIE?  Clever! Yeah you can use the Rhythms with RESTs to make a gate effect :-). The nice thing is the rhythm repeats so if you use a 4 beat Rhythm with beats 2,3&4 as RESTs you get a 25% gate on.   Certainly not optimal but can make due in a pinch. 
Sorry I was gone for a while... no this request is not related to RESTs or TIEs any randomization of these would not be organic/musical.
I meant to send/generate NOTE OFFs timing in a random manner. Send the NOTE OFFs a bit earlier or later. So setting Humanize=7 would change the duration of a note in range like this +40% -40%. (I’d go for shorter positive values -40% +20% b/c longer note durations could be distracting too)

Note: With my modular or ANY other synth with an arppegiated material I try to randomize the Decay of the ADSR or AD settings.

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