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External Clock Over USB - Many Hanging Notes?
Hi Everyone,

     I connected my NDLR to my Eurorack system for the first time today, and had a question about external clock into the NDLR.  I have the NDLR connected via USB to an Expert Sleepers FH-2, which acts as a USB MIDI host (among many other useful functions).  The FH-2 sends MIDI clock (either generated by the FH-2 or a connected Pamela's New Workout) out through its USB port.  Currently, the clock goes from the FH-2 to an Arturia Keystep with no problem.  The FH-2 receives MIDI over USB and converts it to CV, which then goes out to Eurorack.

     When I connected the NDLR to the FH-2, it did start and stop the NDLR and controlled the NDLR clock no problem.  However, when I started a motif to generate some notes and pressed buttons to move that motif around to different chords/scale degrees, the motif notes would hang regularly within 10 seconds of the part starting.  This happened every time.

     I currently have the NDLR set to receive MIDI clock on port #USB1, and it sends MIDI notes on port #USB1, as well.  Could this be the problem?  I could try to run the Pamela's New Workout directly to the clock in port of the NDLR, but am trying to avoid using another cable if possible.

     Thanks in advance for your thoughts!

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