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Missing notes when using a Micromonsta for Pads
My favorite little polysynth is an Audiothingies Micromonsta. It has 8 voices, so I was excited to get some big chords going with it.

The thing is, it can't seem to do more than 4 voices in a pad. If I crank the number of notes down to four or less, the correct number of notes plays. However, if I turn it beyond that, often only about half the notes actually play. I've never gotten six, seven, or all eight voices to sound at once while using the NDLR.

I can't think of a reason for this. I don't think it's a matter of too many notes being sent at once, because if I recall correctly, changing strum doesn't help. And it shouldn't be waiting for previous notes to decay, because voices still sounding doesn't stop them retriggering when they get new notes. Also, I thought it might be some weird polychain thing, but I've confirmed that I've got polychain set to one and the micromonsta can't take note data in on more than one channel. 

Has anybody got any experience with this issue? Any ideas?
First I'd heard of this synth, so I downloaded the manual for it. Only thing I could come up with, as far as something to try, is the Voice Settings Page on page 16. It doesn't explain the difference of Polyphonic 1 and Polyphonic 2. Try both. Also, I assume you should have the uni parameter set to 1, and not 2 or 4. I'd try messing with just about everything on this page to see if any combo works better for you.

Other than that, that's all I got. Looks like a pretty cool synth, though. Good luck.

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