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Diminished chords and drone issue
Hi, I noticed an issue with harmonies. For instance, in the key of Cm, degree II the pad plays DFG# which is a correct D dim chord, but when we set the drone to play 3 notes it plays DAD.... That A sounds pretty awful against the G# of D dim.

The manual says the the drone plays root+fifth+octave, but this obviousy doesn't work on diminished chords! It should play root+ diminished fifth + octave when the chord is diminished

Could this be filed as a bug report? If using the drone like this, we must avoid the II degree when in minor scale, the VII degree in major scale and so forth. We can work around this using sus4 chords instead of diminished for those degrees but that is not always what suits the piece best.

Yeah, that seems like it could be a bug. I'll make a ticket for this and tell Steve. Good eye.
Thanks for shedding light on this because I stopping using the 2-3 voice drone with the pad because it would just sound “wonky” at times.

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