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connecting the remote
sigh. here i am again, struggling to do something simple, but getting confused by the manual.

I just received mine a few days ago, direct from you - the firmware is 1.0.147. The manual says that as of 1.1.020, there should be a choice of 2 modes - copy 1-5 or remote 1-5. I see no evidence of that in the settings 2 menu, where this choice is supposed to be. the following is a bit confusing - we are already in the settings 2 menu, but then it says, "these are also found in the setting menu #2. ???

ok. my settings already had the remote enabled. the only other remote parameter that I see is R7 Ports, which gives me 2 choices. 1-5, and 13-17. I'm guessing that this is in copy mode? I see no choice of copy vs remote mode.

It also says that when the remote is enabled, the =Y symbol in the upper right "will illuminate". This did not happen until I power cycled the machine.

LOL - I was about to submit this when I realized that obviously ports 13-17 is the remote mode, and 1-5 copies those ports from the mrcc. We'll soon see.....

hmmmm - holding down the Y button doesn't cause anything else to light up. Not sure how to proceed, but I guess I'll just try stuff.

edit: about to give up. I am not seeing how to actually set up a routing. nothing i've seen thus far seems to match the manual exactly. When i hold the Y button, i don't see anything lighting up. When I'm on the activity screen page, and i hold the Y button, it is suppose to "show the 'rremote' routings, but I don't see anything changing. Which may just mean that I haven't set up any remote routings, but i am at an impasse here. I have no clue how to actually set these up.

I will stop now because I"m getting frustrated at this, and trying not to post while frustrated.....

Edit (wanted something positive in this post) - ah, see what's meant about the play button. Using this for troubleshooting. ok. back to work here. will only post if i figure out how to get the remote to respond.

sorry - keep on hoping that i can make progress, but I just keep on running into roadblocks, admittedly silly ones. but (and i promise - i am quitting after this comment, since i'm obviously starting to sound annoyed, both to you, I assume, and to myself. How many people start by reading a manual sequentially, cover to cover? I just can't work that way, and after a very brief period, generally try to dive in, and hoping for a helpful 'getting started' section. Given this, and I suspect I"m not alone in trying to rtfm, but in a more directed way, a little redundancy can't hurt? It can only be helpful if you mention that you need to press a key, that you give a hint as to where it is, even if you've mentioned it before. It can sometimes be surprisingly difficult to search for terms in a also really helps if somewhere there is a detailed diagram of the unit with all of the ports/buttons, etc, labeled, so if one can't find something, there is that reference.  I mean, I'm embarrassed to say this, but I'm looking at the tools/play notes page, and the docs say to play/pause by hitting the "tab-stop" button.

well, sorry - if i didn't feel so strongly that once i figure all of this out, this will fit in spectacularly with my work flow, I'd give up. But I am spending so much time trying to figure out the simplest things, and when i go back and look at the manual, it's not like I was being an idiot.

sorry ^2. I know that people don't like to read this stuff, but I put in a very, very strong vote for working on this manual so that idiots like me can figure it out way quicker. probably will spend a few more minutes trying to figure out ONE THING tonight, but i promise not to post any more negative stuff. It's sounding like I'm not pleased with my purchase, but I'm actually thrilled with it.

the hell with it. thought the cable was defective. replaced it, and i got it to work in the copy mode. I had to toggle the remote settings. Then put the original back, toggled the settings - and it worked. ok. cable works. remote works in copy mode. So, current status is that i have absolutely no clue as to how to set it up in remote mode. (thought maybe the Y button wasn't working, but pressing shift plus the Y gives me the light show. A small consolation, but i'll take anything.....
(08-02-2021, 06:42 PM)Nelson Baboon Wrote: sigh. here i am again, struggling to do something simple, but getting confused by the manual.

I just received mine a few days ago, direct from you - the firmware is 1.0.147. The manual says that as of 1.1.020, there should be a choice of 2 modes - copy 1-5 or remote 1-5. I see no evidence of that in the settings 2 menu, where this choice is supposed to be. the following is a bit confusing - we are already in the settings 2 menu, but then it says, "these are also found in the setting menu #2. ???

Your MRCC is on a slightly older firmware version, so upgrading may help match up the screens/steps with the manual.

Note that as part of the beta testing process, the manual was reviewed and changed a lot over the course of time.  All of us fall prey to the "I already know that" situation when reviewing the steps in the documentation versus what is on the screen.  One of the challenges is spending enough time on the documentation late in the process to make sure the steps as documented match the firmware as closely as possible knowing that future sw releases might cause disconnects.

What would be helpful to future owners is if folks like you (and others that have made comments about the docs) sent specific change requests to Jesse directly via PM so that an updated manual might clarify the currently cloudy areas for others.

(sorry for volunteering you Jesse - well not really)
how many times did i look at my version and the one mentioned in the manual, and not notice that the number after the first decimal was lower on mine? Arggggggh.


regardless, after several hours, i had ZERO success in getting the remote version to work.

I guess I will try loading the version on the site. But was this feature (the extra outputs) simply not working on the version sent to me so recently?
(08-03-2021, 03:01 AM)Nelson Baboon Wrote: how many times did i look at my version and the one mentioned in the manual, and not notice that the number after the first decimal was lower on mine? Arggggggh.


regardless, after several hours, i had ZERO success in getting the remote version to work.

I guess I will try loading the version on the site. But was this feature (the extra outputs) simply not working on the version sent to me so recently?

The Remote 7 worked fairly early on.  I don't remember the sequence of steps exactly other than setting Enable Remote to "Y" and selecting from the port choices in the next option (the wording changed over the course of time).  NOTE - I tested it as a copy of 1-5 for sure.  I do not remember if I tested it as the extended 13-17 outputs.  (of course there were other beta testers along with the developers and Jesse, so ...)
ok. updated the firmware. (can't believe i stared at my version so many times last night and didn't see that the second number was lower than the newest version).

i won't have time to check this all until later, but am now updated successfully. Now, in the settings 2, i actually do have the choice of copy 1-5 and remote 1-5. And when i press the Y button, something actually happens. The only way in the previous firmware that the Y button seemed to react at all was if I went for the screen display (shift Y).
ok! got it working with the remote in remote mode. I almost posted again to complain that it didn't work, but discovered that if you press the output button for too long, it makes a regular connection. When I chanced upon just pressing it briefly, it made the connection. Lit up in yellow, and connection made.

this is major since (while i haven't tried any advanced features yet) i have the host part, pc port, midi ports, and remote all routing midi as expected.
Nice work! Good feedback regarding the connection button press time. I'll make a note to ask Steve about that.

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