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USB-PD broken cable. Alternative adaptor?
I went to move the MRCC unit and bent the power USB_PD Connector to the unit. Tried to bent it back and it broke off.

Anyone else have this problem? Is there another power adapter that will work with the MRCC?
It should power from a USBC socket or charger.
The Puppeteer
Godlike Productions
Hey Don, I'm trying to figure out how we can get a new one sent out to you, I'll send you an email tomorrow with details.

In the mean time, any USB C wall supply with a 3 amp rating is good, but you can get away with a smaller amp rating if you're not powering devices from the USB host ports (each one is rated for 500 mA so if they're all working full tilt, they take up 2 A of the 3 A rating) you should be able to power it without those being used with anything over 1 A, (but the more the better).
Thanks Jesse
I was able to test it with an iPad USB -C charger and it it worked great.

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