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Channel mod - route to all channels

I have request to add possibility to send CC from one channel to all channels. No, I don't want to flood by CC messages, but it will allow to use one USB controller to all synths - not the same time, but only if I select routing between them. For example:

- I have midi USB controller - it allow me to modify single of few CC. It send commands on one, specified channel. I can't change it without computer. For this example it's CH16. It send CC command, for example Cutoff.
- I have (for example) 5 synths, on connected to different midi ports/outs. All synths works on different midi channel (for example OUT1 - CH1, OUT2 - CH2, OUT3 - CH3, OUT4 - CH4, OUT5 - CH5).

If i create routing between USB controller and all 1-5 OUTS then none of them will respond for CC command, because CC message is on CH16.
I can't create one rule that will send everything from CH16 to CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4, CH5, because this modifier allow only for one the same input channel. I don't want to "lose" all Channel modifiers for that, because it's very limited.

So if I could copy everything from CH16 to all channels, then i could turn on/off routing between USB-OUT1-5 on the fly and can use one controller for different synths, or even control few of them the same time. 

We could also reduce of midi messages in other way, i just got and another idea and I'll post in in new thread.

I would like to have bluetooth expression pedal on CH16 (that cannot be changed without connecting the pedal to a phone) and have it remapped to all channels, so that it acts on any synth I am currently playing.

Actually for our use cases, it would probably be best if there was a MIDI controllable single channel remap modifier, that would make it possible remotely set a pair of input and output channels via two CCs.

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