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PC-to-PC routing
Hello again.

Here's the thing: Windows is frustratingly limited in its MIDI implementation. Several times, I've found myself in a situation where I needed to install a software virtual MIDI interface, just to route the signal through some software operators. And those virtual thingies are all clunky and a pain to use.

I hoped I could use the MRCC instead: get the MIDI signal from the PC, filter/modify it, and send it back through (an)other virtual port(s). But apparently I can't. You can't route one of the 12 virtual PC ports to another.

I don't understand the reason for this limitation. I find it disappointing, and am considering returning my MRCC because it was an important part in my motivation to get one.

I know there are workarounds, like connecting a physical MIDI cable from one DIN socket to another, but then I don't need the MRCC for that.

This has piqued my interest, and I'm curious to try it myself (not that there's a particular need at the moment). Hopefully I, or one of the others on here, will have time in the next couple of days to see if we can get a route like this working; it seems like it should.
It appears the kind of routing you're suggesting is a capability. I recorded a brief MIDI sequence on a track in my DAW, and routed it to an external synth to test. Then I deselected that destination, and selected one of the 12 virtual destinations, and called that up on a different track playing a plug-in instrument, and it was received fine. Just to be sure, I tried a second PC destination on the router, changed my track source to match, and it played there as well.

Although my test involved only one software program, the MRCC did its part in completing the path, so I'm sure if the PC and programs are set to look for the right port, it could work with multiple programs.
Yes, I can confirm this routing is possible, if you're having trouble with this let me see if I can clarify the process.

1 Send MIDI from computer to output port number of your choice
2 On the MRCC press and hold the left side PC port button, the row of 12 outputs should light up blue/white.
3 While still holding the button, select whichever output port number you've decided to send that MIDI data to and press that ports button, it will light up brighter
4 release the all buttons the PC port blue light will be lit, this indicates that we're now routing the PC port
5 press and hold the green right side PC port button. The 12 output ports will light up greenish white
6 while still holding the button, press the port button of the input port that you wish to route the MIDI data back into the PC on. It will light up brighter
7 release all buttons your signal is now being routed back to the computer

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