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MIDI not passing through outputs

I am fairly new to more complex midi setups, so it's quite possible I am doing something wrong here. 

Setup is:
  • Novation Summit (local off and transmitting on CH 1) MIDI OUT -> 880 1 IN
  • Polyend Tracker MIDI OUT -> 880 2 IN
  • 880 1 OUT -> Summit MIDI IN (receive on CH 1)
  • 880 2 OUT -> Hydrasynth Explorer MIDI IN (local off, receive on CH 2)
  • 880 3 OUT -> Korg Poly 800 MIDI IN (receive on CH 3) *I am not sure how well this old synth will work with my desired setup
  • 880 4 OUT -> Polyend Tracker +

Assumptions and observations: 

  1. The Summit will be used as a MIDI controller to play notes on any of the above output devices
  2. The Tracker will sequence the synths connected to the 880 Outputs
  3. I have SUMMIT IN 1 and 2 linked to all four outputs
  4. It works with only the Summit (local is off, so it has to be getting the MIDI notes from the 880) 
  5. None of the other devices seem to receive the MIDI data
  6. I have tried it with and without Chan Split
  7. I have tried changing the output devices receive channels to ALL/OMNI and specific channels

If I plug the Summit directly into one of the other devices, the MIDI data gets through fine and notes are played with the Summit acting as a MIDI controller (have not tried with the Korg yet, but the others work)

So I am wondering if there is some key piece of knowledge I'm lacking, or my routing is incorrect, or if there is an issue with my 880. I just bought it brand new, FWIW. 

Any help would be much appreciated!

Thanks in advance!
I have an update here: When I run the Summit MIDI out directly into the Tracker+, notes get through fine and I can hear the individual synths played when I have their respective tracks selected in the Tracker+, but ONLY via channel 1 out from the 880.

None of the other synths are receiving MIDI notes that I can see. If I swap out the 1 and 2 outputs, then the Hydrasynth receives its respective MIDI notes sent to MIDI channel 2 and plays.

So, it would seem the outputs on the 880's channels 2-4 are not sending data (yes, I have ensured that when channel 1 in is selected, 1-4 on the outputs are also selected).

I have also tried a couple different power supplies—both usb phone power and >= 1a. I don't want to assume I am not doing something wrong or misunderstanding the 880's capabilities, but at this point I have read the manual a few times, tested different configurations, and it seems like I might have a defective unit? Please correct me if I a wrong. Thanks!
I'm back! Just keeping a log of stuff so others can learn from my experiments. So I managed to get my Korg Poly 800 MIDI in working and it works fine through the 880. Tracker is sending MIDI note data and they are being played on the Poly 800. So now that leaves me with the Hydrasynth Explorer. If I plug the Tracker MIDI out directly into it, the MIDI transmits fine and I hear the sequenced notes play. If I run it through the 880, nothing. I have tried again with channel splitting, and while the other two synths still produce sound, the Hydrasynth does not. At this point, I think this is a ASM issue and I will mark this as solved for now. Thanks for playing along!
Hey berth,
I can't imagine why the ASM MIDI isn't recieving, but if you would like to you can you shoot me an email at I think we'll probably do best setting up a video call and trying to get to the bottom of this one face to face. Let me know what time zone you're in and a handful of times you'll be available early next week and I'll try and find a good time from those listed.
Hi Berth,
I’m following this thread. Any luck with solving your issue? While my set up is a little different, I’m experiencing a similar problem with some controllers, not all, not passing midi note data through the 880.
I hope you’re finding success!

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